Solutions of Change provides free and low-cost individual, family, and group counseling/therapy and crisis intervention services for community members who are uninsured or underinsured, including those who are undocumented. In addition to counseling and therapy services, our Family Support team specializes in providing access to local resources such as housing and shelter-related services, food services, childcare, employment, and healthcare. Our aim is to connect the community to resources that enhance the quality of life.

Solutions of Change also works closely with schools, organizations, and businesses interested in increasing mental health education through engaging seminars, workshops, conferences, and small group sessions.

Additional Services: 

Counseling and Therapy

Working with individuals and groups to help navigate mental health challenges through conversation and creative therapy modalities. 

Seminars and Workshops

Providing tailored information and curriculum to educate and destigmatize the topic of mental health.  

Community Support

Building relationships, listening to their voices, and working together to address issues and create positive change.

Family Support and Case Management

Assisting individuals and families to connect with resources to support thriving self-sufficiency.

Youth Mentorship

Working one-on-one and in small groups with youth to cultivate life skills and resilience.    


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